Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Summer Reading List 2012

The list is far from final, but here is what I have so far:
It's on the shorter side, that's for sure, and these are not in order. Book completion will be based on a number of things, such as library availability, Audrey's mood, time of day, etc. I may try and tack on some of last year's books that I couldn't find copies of. And like last year, the plan is to share some of my thoughts with you as I finish the books. Fun, right?

To the many people who have suggested I read The Hunger Games: I'm sorry, I can't. I understand it is supposedly fantastic. Know that my resistance to reading them is not the same as my reasons for not reading Twilight. I honestly don't think I can handle the subject matter. Also, someone told me a major spoiler from the final book, and that pretty much killed it for me.

I hope to start Bitterblue today, but I've been trying since Friday, so we'll see.


  1. I've read the Dillard, Fadiman, and Pollan (all of which should be Available at a Library Near You, but I have them if not). They were each great in their own way. Dillard rewards quiet, unhurried reading (don't try to read it while making dinner, or on a city bus, for ex.), but can be read in small bits if needed. Like a treat. Which it is.

    1. I read a snippet of Dillard a few months ago, and it was not what I expected. I'm really excited to dig into it. :)

  2. Interested to see what you think of The Omnivore's Dilemma; we read In Defense of Food (the "sequel", as it were) and were a bit turned off by his sensationalism. At least in the latter, he's very anti-science, which obviously didn't sit well with either of us.

    I do, however, heartily recommend this video of him talking at Google. He covers nearly everything that he talks about in IDoF, and it is much less sensational, and makes some incredibly good points. Actually, when I first saw that video, I went around to everyone I met and made them watch it too, because I think it really is worth seeing.

    1. I'm not as science-y as you or Karen, but I do appreciate it. Thanks for the warning. I'll take a look at the video when I have a bit of time. :)

  3. Just the title The Night Circus is giving me chills. But I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its title OR its cover. It could be about rice. ;)

    Hurray for summer reading!

    1. How did you guess?!?! It IS about rice. :)

  4. Also, I think I decided earlier today that my summer reading list is the Wheel of Time.

    1. Have you read any WOT before?

    2. No, I haven't. I was never very interested, especially since the series wasn't finished. But I've been itching for a massive fantasy epic, and none of the others that I've started in the last couple weeks have been worth anything. So I finally decided to give it a try. The first one has been pretty interesting so far.

  5. So yeah, I actually enjoyed the first book of Hunger Games -- I like the dark and twisted. However, I pretty much hated the last book. It was too dark and despairing and violent for me. And yeah, that spoiler. It ruined me from wanting to read the series again.

    1. Maybe one day I'll read the HG, but for now, nah.
