Thursday, November 3, 2011

SW: Butternut Squash Soup (Guest Post)

Karen was super sweet and did an excellent write-up for this, making my life so much easier. (No really.) Let's just say, managing soup week and nano at the same time was not a great idea. So thank you, Karen, for making life easier for me. Now go read!

OH! And eat this soup. As Karen will mention, I've eaten it, and it's TAAAAAAAAAAASTY.


It’s soup week (and it’s fall), which means it’s time for one of my favorite soups. We got into making soups around the same time that we moved to the Midwest, because there’s really nothing better than hot, rolls into your stomach goodness on a cold fall evening. Although we need no reason to make this soup, the origin for this soup in soup week is because Audrey was afraid to cook with butternut squash. (Something about a bad experience.) David was so appalled that he rounded up the whole family and made them soup, which honestly sounds like a huge win for Audrey and company! And since he’s off writing for NaNo, I get to write the blog entry!

Butternut Squash Soup-Thursday
Modified Recipe, or as David says,
"Found and rescued from the somewhere in the bowels of the internet."

1 butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and cubed (~1”)
1 onion, diced
4 small apples (or 2-3 normal-sized apples), peeled, cored, and diced
2 thick slices of bread
chicken broth to cover (~48 ounces, but this can depend on how large
your squash is)
~1 tbsp rosemary
salt and pepper to taste (although, it really just needs a dash of
pepper, and really no salt)

Put everything in a large pot and add the chicken broth to cover.
Bring the pot to a simmer, and cook for 45 minutes, or until the
squash is tender. Puree (either with an immersion blender or with a
more traditional blender) and serve. If you want to be really fancy,
you can garnish the top with heavy cream or cheese. (Or 1% milk, if
you don’t stock fancy things like cheese and cream.)

For David’s more colorful rendition (and in-prep pictures!), see:


Okay, so regarding the bad squash experience. The ONE time I tried to do something with butternut squash, I apparently got the evilest squash to ever grace the planet. It oozed some icky sticky liquid that was impossible to wash off my hands, and then, after I spent TWO hours cooking a bisque that I had had before and found incredibly tasty, my pot was flavorless, and I wound up dumping the entire thing into the garbage. Ugh. Of course, David and Karen's soup was lovely and made me think that maybe (and that's a BIG maybe) I would try this again.

David and Karen blog here, but don't check out that link unless you want to be overloaded with tasty meals and amusing musings about food. Also, don't lick your screen. That's just gross. When I last checked, they had all their fingers, which is fairly useful considering D's academic pursuits involve the CS world and K's revolve around chemistry. Besides doing boring math-y, computer-y stuff, David has a fancy camera with which he takes AWESOME pictures. He is also working on his first project for nano. As for Karen, she is my quilting sensei, and her finished quilts make me want to be a better person, or, at the very least, a better quilter. She washes a lot of dishes. By hand. They both keep me fed with good food. (And the pie! Don't get me started on the pie!)


  1. Audrey, Karen, and David,

    Thank you so much for this recipe! The hubs and I bought a butternut squash just two days ago, so your timing couldn't be better. :)

    I just hope it isn't an evil, oozy squash. Ick.

  2. At least now you know to go running from the oozy squash at full speed!

    Also, I just had the last of the leftovers from this soup for lunch, and all I can say is: Yum!

  3. SS, I hope your squash isn't evil either. Evil squash are no man's (or woman's) friend. I put my leftovers in the freezer and am holding on to them until nano week 2. I can see myself really needing a pick-me-up next week! :)

  4. I have yet to see a icky oozy squash from the store. So, experience would indicate that your squash is probably safe to consume.

  5. But they do exist! Beware the evil squash!


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    Musim lalu, Costa sempat tampil garang bagi Chelsea sejak awal musim. Gol demi gol ia cetak bagi tim barunya itu. Akan tetapi, pada akhirnya ia tak bisa membela The Blues secara penuh dalam semusim karena ia menderita cedera hamstring.
    Penyerang asal Spanyol itu lantas berharap, musim depan dirinya bisa bebas dari cedera dan membantu Chelsea bersaing merebut gelar di semua ajang yang diikutinya.
    "Satu-satunya tuntutan yang saya bebankan pada diri saya sendiri untuk musim yang baru ini adalah agar bisa tak bermasalah dengan cedera. Pengalaman yang saya alami musim lalu tak bagus," keluhnya.
    "Dan sementara saya tak pernah berpikir untuk memberikan target jumlah gol, tantangan untuk diri saya sendiri adalah terus mencetak gol. Hal itu akan memberikan garansi kesuksesan dan kemenangan bagi Chelsea dan itulah target saya sebenarnya," tegasnya.

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    Agen Bola - Claudio Ranieri berkeras bahwa Riyad Mahrez akan terus bertahan di Leicester City.
    Sebelumnya ada banyak spekulasi mengenai masa depan sang pemain di musim panas, usai pemenang Pemain Terbaik PFA itu disebut menarik minat Arsenal dan Barcelona.
    Namun demikian, di sela-sela pra-musim Leicester di Austria, Ranieri mengatakan bahwa klubnya tidak akan pergi ke manapun.
    "Saya sangat percaya diri padanya. Ia akan bertahan," tutur Ranieri pada Leicester Mercury.
    "Ia ingin bertahan di sini bersama kami. Ia menikmatinya, ia terus tertawa. Ia bukan seseorang yang akan mengatakan 'Oh, manajer, saya ingin pergi'. Tidak, ia tengah merasa bahagia."
    Sebagai juara bertahan Premier League, Leicester City juga akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bermain di Liga Champions musim depan.

  8. Inter Milan Layangkan Tawaran Untuk Joao Mario

    Agen Bola - Klub Serie A, Inter Milan nampaknya mantap untuk mendatangkan Joao Mario dari Sporting Lisbon. Hal ini terlihat dari pergerakan manajemen Nerrazurri yang disebut sudah melayangkan tawaran sebesar £33,4 Juta untuk Gelandang Timnas Portugal tersebut.
    Penampilan apik Joao Mario bersama Timnas Portugal di Euro 2016 ini nampaknya menarik minat sejumlah klub-klub top Eropa. Beberapa nama seperti Manchester United, Inter Milan dan Chelsea disebut-sebut ingin menjajal kemampuan gelandang 23 tahun ini di tim mereka.
    Beberapa waktu yang lalu, Ayah Joao Mario mengindikasikan bahwa anaknya akan bergabung dengan Inter Milan. Dan nampaknya rumor ini akan segera menjadi kenyataan mengingat kubu Inter Milan dikabarkan sudah melakukan langkah konkret untuk mendatangkan sang pemain.
    Menurut laporan media Portugal Record, disebut bahwa Inter Milan telah melayangkan tawaran sebesar £33.4 juta untuk gelandang berkepala plontos tersebut. Tawaran ini dinilai sudah cukup memenuhi keinginan Sporting Lisbon sehingga transfer ini akan segera terjadi dalam waktu dekat nanti.
